Frequently Asked Questions

When will I receive my E-ticket?

Most E-tickets are instant and will be emailed to the email address provided. If your ticket is not instant, it will state in the ticket description and will be emailed within 72 hours.

Is my ticket mobile ready?

Your ticket will display ‘mobile ready’. If it does not show as mobile ready, please print a copy to hand to the venue.

I have not received my ticket.

Check your junk/spam in the first instance. If not received, please email [email protected] and we will re-send them to you. If you are travelling within 48 hours, please call our contact centre.

What are the cancellation terms of my ticket?

The cancellation terms are clearly stated on the website when booking your ticket.

My plans have changed, how do I cancel my ticket?

Your ticket can be cancelled as per the cancellation terms on the website and printed on your ticket. Please email us ([email protected]) during UK business hours (9:00am-5:00pm) to request cancelation. Please note email requests cannot be processed immediately if received outside of business hours. Alternatively, please call our contact centre. 

My plans have changed, and I need to amend my ticket.

Your booking will need to be cancelled and a new booking made via the website.

To cancel, please check the terms on your ticket first.  Please email us ([email protected]) during UK business hours (9:00am-5:00pm) to request cancelation. Please note email requests cannot be processed immediately if received outside of business hours. Alternatively, please call our contact centre. 

I have lost my ticket.

Don’t worry, your E-tickets can be re-sent. Your ticket would have been emailed to you, but if you require a copy, please email us and we will re-send them to you. If you are travelling within 72 hours, please call our contact centre.

I can’t find my booking reference or E-ticket.

Call our contact centre and we will locate your booking and email your E-ticket.

The venue was closed on the day of visit. What now?

Contact us via email with your booking reference and we will investigate and be in touch.

Who do I contact if I need to speak to someone?

We have a friendly UK Customer Service Contact Centre, open Monday-Friday. Please see below for opening hours.